ITF England National squad training session in Newcastle

The ITF England national team is holding a training session in Newcastle on Sunday October 16th.

As well as training the national team, the coaching staff also hold a development session for blue belts and above over the age of 10.  This is to help identify future international talent and also gives an opportunity to see the international team workout and understand what it takes to get to the highest level of competition.

The session runs from 10.00 -1.00 and will be held at the Newcastle United Foundation’s new headquarters

Newcastle United Foundation
Diana Street

The cost is £25, which must be paid in advance directly to the ITF England bank account

Account – 40200960

Sort – 309191

Reference – Squad ‘surname’


open to red belts and above
Sunday 5th December 10 – 12 .00 at Sport Central , Northumbria university, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 8ST
From 12.00 to 1.00 any third degrees and above can stay so we can concentrate on your patterns.
The cost is £15 – can you book on this link. Spaces are limited so we can distance properly. Masks are optional in the session but you do need to wear one as you move through the building.


Dear ITF members,

We are writing to request your help in promoting the official ITF social media channels among your members. We are trying to increase the number of followers and likes on our main channels and we especially want to increase our following where we have existing and strong ITF membership. This will help us communicate with our members and promote the positive work and activities happening in ITF around the world.

Please share the following links to our three main social media channels with all your members through email, club newsletter, sharing on your association/federation social media pages, through your personal social media etc and ask them to like, share, follow or subscribe:

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We really appreciate your help and support in helping promote our ITF Federation Worldwide, this is why we ask you to share the following banners and links in your social media channels , thank you very much for your cooperation.

Stephen Ryan & Paco Ferrando ITF Communications Committee